Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How Music Has Influenced The World - 980 Words
American culture has influenced the world over the last few centuries. Each day we visually perceive how the diversity of music impacts our day to day life. Music has played a consequential role in the development of how diverse America is today. From the Charleston to the Duggie, music has evolved over countless years. The 1970s music industry transitioned the rebelliousness of the 1960s to the jubilant musical compositions of the 1980s. The American recording industry in the 1970s was a coalescence of many genres, most predominately disco, funk, and classic rock. The Eagles were classified as classic rock, which was expanded over the preceding decade. One of their top hits Hotel California, verbalizes a very subtle message, that many misinterpret the meaning of. In actuality, we surmise it verbalizes the devil and his demoralizing work, however it articulates we, as humans, demoralize ourselves. This however is a fundamental assumption about the song and its influence on the world predicated on biblical worldviews. The worldview of contemporary American culture has been categorized by Steve Wilkens and Mark Sanford into eight sections, of which Hotel California can be placed into three. Hotel California can be categorized into moral relativism, postmodern tribalism, and consumerism. Hotel California was written by Don Felder, Glenn Frey, and Don Henley. For the 70s, this song had an aberrant format. The introduction was a minute long and the song itself was over sixShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics Of Classical Music1277 Words  | 6 PagesA very big misconception with classical music is that it is one big group. There are four main musical periods of classical music. They are the baroque, classical, romantic, and the modern eras. The first major era of classical music is the baroque era. It started around 1600 and ended around 1750. 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They have been affective in the field of politics by having leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther king Jr., Malcolm x and Nelson Mandela lead them to a civil right society where everyone was treated equally. And they have also been part of the revolution of music in terms of how many categories they have inventedRead MoreInfluence of Music and Movies On My Life Essay637 Words  | 3 PagesEssay Art has influenced my life dramatically as it made me grow into the young man I am today. Art has been shown in music and movies because it goes through the creative process just like all other art. In this essay, I will explain how both music and movies influenced my life. My first impression of music was positive after listening to Michael Jackson. His beats and rhythms were different than anything I have ever heard before. Listening to Michael Jackson helped me grow up to be friendly
Monday, December 16, 2019
Call If You Need Me Analysis Free Essays
Call if you need me 1. Analyse the point of view. The point of view is based on the narrator written in a first person view talking the in the past. We will write a custom essay sample on Call If You Need Me Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2. Analyse the setting. The main characters in the story are Nancy and the narrator, Dan. The story takes place in Eureka in California. When the story takes place is unknown, but in the story it is common to have a car, so I am guessing that the story takes place somewhere in the present. 3. Give a character description of Dan and Nancy. Nancy is tall, long-legged brown woman with brown hair and eyes. She wants the relationship between Dan and her work, but somehow something keeps interfering. She is stuck in the past with the bad memories of Dan. There is no physical description of Dan, but he is also trying to make their relationship work. He is much more optimistic than Nancy. 4. Analyse the plot. The situation in this story begins with that their marriage is in trouble, so they are sending their son to work at a farm, while they try to work on their marriage. As they try to spend time together only focusing on themselves, they seem to be surrounded by good luck. But it leads to a disaster when Nancy starts crying while she is remembering the past. Dan tries to comfort her and telling that they will make it, but she is avoiding every opportunity. Then Dan sees some white horses in their yard and suddenly the Nancy’s mood started changing. She starts to see the light instead of being surrounded by darkness. As a result they got a fresh new start and he drives her to the airport, where she will go back home and she will be writing to Dan. In the when Dan comes back to the house and he immediately starts calling Susan, his ex-lover. 5. â€Å"I’ve missed you so much you’ve gotten lost somehow, I can’t explain it. I’ve lost you. You’re not mine any longer’’ Try to explain what Nancy means. Nancy has lost connection with Dan since their romance started to fade away. Perhaps she feels that she has lost to Susan. She envies Susan for taking Dan away from her. Now she is realizing it when she has a special moment with Dan. 6. A lot of things in the story are prophetic to the characters. Give examples. The story mentions the hummingbirds. Dan says that it is a good sign, he is not sure where he has heard it, but he is sure of it. Also a fisherman is wishing them good luck. 7. What does the white horses symbolize? Support your answer by quotes from the texts. I think that the white horses represent hope, faith and a fresh new start for their relationship. The color white purity, light, hope and a successful beginning. ‘’I don’t think they’ll bite,’’ ‘’They don’t look like the kind of horses that’ll bite†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ It can be a symbol of hope for their marriage that there still is hope for them. 8. Why does Nancy feel elevated by the presence of horses? It can be because she is an animal lover or that she is living the moment, where nothing shall interfere her moment. She will not let Dan call the sheriff while she is living the moment patting the white horses. 9. In the ending we hear of a plane, hoof prints and a telephone. What do these things represent? The plane can represent the path Nancy is choosing and the hoof prints are traces of her, meanwhile the phone is the path Dan chooses. We do not know what happens after he called Susan. Perhaps he is going to call her and tell her that he is going to stay with Nancy or perhaps he will take the other path and go back to Susan. The telephone represents what path Dan is going to take. 10. The themes of the story might well be: Love and married life; infidelity; having to live up to ideals; being able to live in the moment. Choose the theme you find the most interesting, and show how the theme is expressed in the story. I think that the most interesting theme in this story is ‘’being able to live in the moment’’. You can clearly see that atmosphere is changing into romance in the story, when something good is happening, example: the white horses and when Nancy says ‘’I’m glad we’re here. ’’ I think that living in the moment is the most suitable theme in this story, because it makes them think a second time before getting a divorce, if they really want to stop seeing each other. How to cite Call If You Need Me Analysis, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Employment laws chart free essay sample
Complete the chart below using information from the weekly readings and additional research if necessary. Employment Law Description and Requirement of Law Court Case Influential to Establishment of Law Importance of Law Workplace Application Civil Rights Act of 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was put in place to avoid discrimination in hiring, compensation, conditions, and privileges of employment based on race, religion, color, sex, or nationality (DeCenzo Robbins, 2007) Katzenbach v. McClung and Heart of Atlanta v. United States (Legal Information Institute, 2011) Civil Rights Act of 1964 ensures that all applicants are afforded an equal opportunity of being hired and there is no discrimination with respect to one’s gender, religion, race, color, or origin. It also ensures that job candidates are selected and considered because of their skills and talent. Under the law employers are required to post signs with the Title VII description in employee break-rooms. This helps ensure that companies are meeting the requirements and that they are hiring and promoting minorities which can protect them against discrimination law suits. We will write a custom essay sample on Employment laws chart or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Equal Employment Opportunity Act Guaranties employee’s fair treatment. Employers are not allowed to discriminate against employees on the basis of age, race, sex, creed, religion, color, or national origin. (DeCenzo Robbins, 2007) McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green (Legal Information Institute, 2011) The importance of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act is to ensure that the Civil Rights Act requirements are being followed and gives power to the Employment Commission. Companies ensure that they are meeting requirements and being mindful that they are hiring women, and people of different origins and races. Equal Pay Act Requires that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work. Schultz v. Wheaton Glass Co. 1970, (The Wage Gap, 2011) The Equal Pay act is important because it ensures that everyone regardless of sex be paid the same wage for identical jobs. In the workplace today women are getting paid for their knowledge and experience. Companies are using different aptitude tests to determine pay. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Enacted to protect employees ages 40 to 65 from discrimination. In 1986 amended to eliminate the upper age limit altogether (DeCenzo Robbins, 2007) Congress decided to pass the ADEA because of an oversight about the older working force, there was a case in 2008 Gomez v. Potter that allowed federal workers who experienced retaliation for filing a claim based on the law to sue the company for damages. The importance of the ADEA is that it protects the older working force from discrimination. In today’s economy the retirement age is getting higher and there for there are more older people looking for work than before. Wal-Mart is a great example of workplace application because they are known for hiring senior citizens to be door greeters. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Prohibits discrimination against an essentially qualified individual, and requires enterprises to reasonably accommodate individuals. Tennessee v. Lane in 2004 (u-s-history. com,n. d. ) The importance of this act is that it requires companies to make reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities so that he or she can perform their job. Companies accommodate employees with disabilities by using elevators, brail, and TTD and speaking technology. Civil Rights Act of 1991 The updated version of this act nullified select supreme Court decisions and reinstates burden of proof by employer and allows for punitive and compensatory damages through jury trials. Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio (date) Because some companies do not disclose everything that is in an employee’s file this makes it hard to prove a case of discrimination. Unemployment works the same way. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 Permits employees in organizations of 50 or more workers(each state is different) to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for circumstances outlined in the act. There is no case that established the law. It was put in place to help working families balance work and family life. Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc. (2002) The importance of this act is that it makes it easier to balance family, work and other obligations without fearing losing their jobs. If you have a child, adopt a child, or if you yourself become sick or have a sick parent, child, or spouse you may be eligible to take unpaid time off to be with them without the fear of losing your job. Privacy Act of 1974 This act changes the imbalance of information. It only applies to federal government and requires that personnel files be open for inspection. Was passed as a precautionary measure by the Senate and House of Representative (Epic, 2011) Stanmore Cooper v. FAA (2010) Makes sure that individuals have the right to look at their employee file to make sure that information is accurate. An example of this would be that companies are required to send out privacy notices to their customers. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 This act requires certain government related groups to make sure that their workplace is drug free. Enacted by Congress as part of an anti-drug legislation in 1988 Emerald Steel Fabricators v. Bureau of Labor and Industries (2010) The importance of this act is that it ensures the safety of all employees by ensuring that no one will be working while under the influence of drugs. Drug testing as part of an application process and if an employee is hurt on the job most companies require a drug test when they go to the hospital. Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 Prohibits employers to use polygraph tests in a job application process. On June 27, 1988, Congress enacted the Employee Polygraph Protection Act 1 to regulate the use of lie detector devices in the workplace Harmon v. CB Squared Services (2009) The importance of this act is that it protects employees from being asked non-job related questions and keeps employers from violating privacy issues. The type of polygraph testing does not apply to workplace applications because it is unreasonable for employers to ask applicants to take a polygraph as part of the application process. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) of 1988 Makes sure that employers give notification to employees about plant closings or lay-offs. This became law without President Ronal Reagan’s signature through the use of veto-proof Democratic majority in Congress. United Food Workers v. Brown Group, Inc (1996) The importance of this law is to protect employees of a company in the wake of a shut-down or lay-off. It allows employees to find jobs to support their families. The law requires employers to give a 60 day notice. Companies often give severance packages to employees based on the years of service with the company when they close to help ease the burden of losing their job.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Year 2000 Bug Essays (2096 words) - Calendars, Software Bugs, COBOL
Year 2000 Bug Less than one year until the year 2000, two seemingly small digits may turn January 1, 2000 from a worldwide celebration into a universal nightmare. With computers mistaking the year 2000 for 1900, virtually all businesses that use dates will be affected. Not only will the companies be affected, but also they are paying millions upon millions of dollars in order for computers to recognize the difference between the years 2000 and 1900. The year 2000 computer bug is a huge problem that our world must face. In order to explain how to solve the "millennium bug", it is a good idea to be informed about exactly what the year 2000 problem is. The year 2000 industry expert, Peter de Jager, described the problem quite well. "We programmed computers to store the date in the following format: dd/mm/yy. This only allows 2 digits for the year. January 1, 2000 would be stored as 01/01/00. But the computer will interpret this as January 1, 1900- not 2000" (de Jager 1997). The '19' is "hard-coded" into computer hardware and software. Since there are only 2 physical spaces for the year in this date format, after '99', the only logical choice is to reset the number to '00'. The year 2000 problem is unlike any other problem in modern history for several reasons. Many computer professionals point out some of the most important ones. Time is running out- the Year 2000 is inevitable! The problem will occur simultaneously worldwide, time zones withstanding. It affects all languages and platforms, hardware & software. The demand for solutions will exceed the supply. "It is too big and too overwhelming even for [Bill Gates and] Microsoft" (Widder 1997). Separate, any one of these points makes Y2K, a common abbreviation for the year 2000 problem, an addition to the obstacle. Combined, they form what seems more like a hideous monster than an insignificant bug. The impact of Y2K on society is enormous, bringing the largest companies in the world to their knees, pleading for a fix at nearly any cost. "The modern world has come to depend on information as much as it has on electricity and running water. Fixing the problem is difficult because there are [less than] two years left to correct 40 years of behavior" (de Jager 1997). "Alan Greenspan has warned that being 99 percent ready isn't enough" (Widder 1997). "Chief Economist Edward Yardeni has said that the chances for a worldwide recession to occur because of Y2K are at 40%" (Widder 1997). Senator Bob Benett (Republican, Utah) made a good analogy about the potential of the problem. "In the 1970's, oil was the energy that ran our world economy. Today it runs on the energy of information." He later said, "To cripple the technological flow of information throughout the world is to bring it to a virtual standstill" (Widder 1997). The potential of the problem in everyday life is alarming. Imagine making a loan payment in 1999 for a bill that is due in 2000. The company's computers could interpret the '00' as 1900 and you would then be charged with 99 years of late fees (Moffitt & Sandler 1997). If the year 2000 problem isn't solved, there could be "no air traffic, traffic lights, no lights in your company, companies could not produce goods, no goods delivered to the stores, stores could not send you bills, you could not send bills to anyone else. Business [could] come to a halt" (de Jager 1997). The costs of fixing Y2K are staggering. The Gartner Group estimates that costs per line of code to be between $1.50 and $2.00 (Conner 1). It is not uncommon for a single company to have 100,000,000 lines of code (de Jager 1997). Capers Jones, an expert who has studied software costs for over ten years, estimates total worldwide costs to be $1,635,000,000,000 (One-trillion, 635 billion dollars) (Jones 1997). To put this number into perspective, if five people were to spend $100 for every second of every day, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it would take them about 100 years to finish the task! The year 2000 problem is not only limited to what happens with computers between December 31, 1999 and January 1, 2000. There are several other important dates that are a factor. Last year was considered the last point where a large company could start fixing the problem with any hopes to finish before the deadline. Also, all fixes should be done by January 1, 1999. There are two major
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